Constructor to specify a custom paper size 构造函数来指定自定义的页大小。
Custom paper setup 定制纸张设置
Sales of rolling papers and rolling machines , cigars and tobacco . also provides information about custom papers -拥有老巴夺太阳岛林海灵芝哈尔滨等十个香烟品牌系列。
You ll configure several print options for your report including custom paper sources based on the specific printer that you are addressing 您将根据所访问的特定打印机,为报表配置几个打印选项(包括自定义的纸张来源) 。
According to pb , the paper provides an approach to custom paper printing , which meets the practical need for custom paper printing and provides high printing quality 结合pb ,给出一种自定义纸张的打印方法,较好解决了企业对各种纸型打印的客观需要,并取得了很好的实际效果。